Looking for Old School Magazines

Hello Fellow SPCC Alumni,

Greetings. My name is Peter Chung 鍾鴻錫, graduate of SPCC66. In fact I have spent 13 years at our Alma Mater, from Primary 1 to Upper 6.

Recently a group of 1961 Primary School classmates have got together over cyberspace to reminisce the old good days. Sweet memories of the school bell, the scorching water dispenser, lunch menu like 窩蛋免治牛肉飯, games the boys played like 打波子, 玩兵賊, games that girls played like 跳橡根繩, 搲子, and we all played 十字界豆腐, 麻鷹捉雞仔.

We also remember songs we sang at music class like 保羅的小雞, 小小姑娘, 花非花. Also hymns we sang at assembly: 這是天父世界, 天父常常近我, 學期終了懇求祝福. Fond memories of 麥主任 and the teachers, and the custodian staff like 紹哥紹嫂.

We found the 12 class photos and were able to name all the little people. We actually built a spreadsheet to match “Who was in class with you” for the 6 years. Up to this day, we still don’t know how the pupils were mixed when we moved from grade to grade.

To further affirm our memories we are looking for old School Magazines during those years 1955 - 1961. Nancy Chan, also of 66, has graciously lent me the 1959 and 60-61 editions. If any fellow SPCC Alumni has other editions of the School Magazines for 55, 56, 57, 58, 60 we would very appreciate if you can lend those to us. We just want to copy some pertinent information and will return the precious School Magazines promptly.

It is a long shot but we have been so happily lost down memory lane. We will be delighted to re-capture more memory through the old School Magazines. Please let me know, my email contact is pchung2550@gmail.com

Thank you in advance and best regards,



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